Hello everyone this is Forbes one of the hosts for the Otaku Connection podcast and Well where off to a slow start, do to some money and technical issues. where hoping to get the first show up in the next month or so. But to keep up your attetion let me post something random today.
because of my resent obsession with konami's busou shinki toy line I had to go research everything i could about these things and found these stop motion videos on youtube that are funny as crap... but i only wish i knew what they were saying. But I hope to get the show up soon until then the other hosts and myself will continue to post our random encounters. Till next time...
because of my resent obsession with konami's busou shinki toy line I had to go research everything i could about these things and found these stop motion videos on youtube that are funny as crap... but i only wish i knew what they were saying. But I hope to get the show up soon until then the other hosts and myself will continue to post our random encounters. Till next time...